Difference between revisions of "Widget:SpaceAPI"

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(widget developing is impossibru)
m (Try and fix SpaceAPI popup alignment)
(104 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 8: Line 8:
This will give the following result:<br/>
This will give the following result:<br/>
Note that '''url''' is mandatory, the rest is optional (leave out interval to make the data static)
* '''url''' is mandatory, the rest is optional (leave out interval to make the data static).
*: it also must be written without protocol since colon (''':''') is not allowed, and may be relative, for example: ''//ackspace.nl/spaceAPI/'' or ''/spaceAPI/''
* You must provide a unit for the sizes (i.e. px, %, etc.)
== Copy to your site ==
== Copy to your site ==
To use this widget on your site, just install [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Widgets MediaWiki Widgets extension] and copy [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} full source code] of this page to your wiki as '''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' article.
To use this widget on your site, just install [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Widgets MediaWiki Widgets extension] and copy [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} full source code] of this page to your wiki as '''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' article.
</noinclude><includeonly><script type="text/javascript">
</noinclude><includeonly><script type="text/javascript">
(function( )
(function( )
    "use strict";
"use strict";
    if ( typeof SpaceState === "undefined" )
        window.SpaceState = function( _width, _height, _url, _interval )
separate rooms (get latlng)
zoom onto toolbox
            this._width = _width;
table island not correct (4, not 5 tables)
            this._height = _height;
            this._url = _url;
            this._interval = _interval;
if ( typeof SpaceAPI === "undefined" )
window.SpaceAPI = function( _width, _height, _float, _padding, _url, _interval, _features )
this._width = _width;
this._height = _height;
this._padding = _padding;
this._url = _url;
this._interval = 1000 * _interval;
this._float = _float;
this._features = _features;
SpaceAPI.prototype.data = null;
SpaceAPI.prototype._width   = null;
SpaceAPI.prototype._height = null;
SpaceAPI.prototype._float   = null;
SpaceAPI.prototype._url = null;
SpaceAPI.prototype._features   = null;
SpaceAPI.prototype._interval   = null;
SpaceAPI.prototype._intervalId = null;
SpaceAPI.prototype._node   = null;
SpaceAPI.prototype._leaflet = null;
SpaceAPI.prototype._msgLoading = "Loading..";
SpaceAPI.prototype._msgError   = "Error";
SpaceAPI.prototype._msgParserError = "Failed to parse space state information";
SpaceAPI.prototype._msgOpen = "Open";
SpaceAPI.prototype._msgClosed   = "Closed";
SpaceAPI.prototype._msgUnknown = "Unknown";
SpaceAPI.prototype._msgSince   = "Since: ";
SpaceAPI.prototype._colorOpen   = "#0f0";
SpaceAPI.prototype._colorClosed = "#f00";
SpaceAPI.prototype._colorUnknown  = "#f70";
SpaceAPI.prototype._debug   = null;
SpaceAPI.prototype._drawBeaconPolyLine = function( )
if ( !this.data.sensors || !this.data.sensors.beacon || this.data.sensors.beacon.length < 50 )
var points = [];
var bounds = this._leaflet.map.getBounds();
// Only add points within the bounds
if ( this._leaflet.beaconCount !== this.data.sensors.beacon.length )
this._leaflet.beaconCount = this.data.sensors.beacon.length;
for ( var n = 0, len = this.data.sensors.beacon.length; n < len; ++n )
var point = L.latLng( this.data.sensors.beacon[n].location.lat, this.data.sensors.beacon[n].location.lon );
points.push( point );
if ( !this._leaflet.beaconline )
this._leaflet.beaconline = L.polyline(points, {color: 'green'}).addTo( this._leaflet.map );
this._leaflet.beaconline.setLatLngs( points );
SpaceAPI.prototype.start = function( )
// Use interval timer id as image id
this._debug = ( location.hash.split("#").slice(1).indexOf("debug") !== -1 );
this._intervalId = 0;
if ( this._interval > 0 )
this._intervalId = setInterval( this._fetchState.bind( this ), this._interval );
document.write( '<div id="spaceAPI' + this._intervalId + '"></div>' );
var node = document.getElementById( "spaceAPI" + this._intervalId );
if ( !node )
console && console.log( "node not found" );
node.style.width = this._width;
node.style.height = this._height;
node.style.textAlign = "center";
node.style.BoxShadow = "3px 3px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)";
node.style.position = "relative";
if ( this._float )
node.style.float = this._float;
this._node = node.appendChild( document.createElement( "a" ) );
this._node.style.display = "block";
this._node.style.color = "inherit";
this._node.style.padding = this._padding;
this._node.textContent = this._msgLoading;
this._node.href = "/spaceAPI/statechanges.html";
if ( this._features.split(",").indexOf( "beacon" ) >= 0 )
var srcNode;
var mapNode = node.appendChild( document.createElement( "div" ) );
mapNode.style.width = "100%";
mapNode.style.height = "calc(" + this._height + " + " + this._padding + " - 2em)";
srcNode = document.createElement( "link" );
srcNode.href = "/leaflet/leaflet.css";
srcNode.rel = "stylesheet";
srcNode.type = "text/css";
// Load the css
( document.head || document.documentElement ).appendChild( srcNode );
srcNode = document.createElement( "script" );
srcNode.src = "/leaflet/leaflet.js";
srcNode.type = "text/javascript";
srcNode.addEventListener( "load", function( _evt )
this._leaflet = {};
this._leaflet.point = L.latLng( 50.8925,5.9713 );
this._leaflet.map = L.map( mapNode ).panTo( this._leaflet.point );
//this._leaflet.map = L.map( mapNode ).setView( this._leaflet.point, 16);
L.CRS.CustomZoom = L.extend({}, L.CRS.EPSG3857,
scale: function( zoom ) {
if ( zoom < 24 )
return 256 * Math.pow( 2, zoom );
// Freeze the actual zooming above this level to show the different floors
// 256 * pow( 2, 23 )
return 2147483648;
L.TileLayer.Functional = L.TileLayer.extend({
  _tileFunction: null,
  initialize: function (tileFunction, options) {
this._tileFunction = tileFunction;
L.TileLayer.prototype.initialize.call(this, null, options);
  getTileUrl: function (tilePoint) {
var map = this._map,
  crs = map.options.crs,
  tileSize = this.options.tileSize,
  zoom = tilePoint.z,
  nwPoint = tilePoint.multiplyBy(tileSize),
  sePoint = nwPoint.add(new L.Point(tileSize, tileSize)),
  nw = crs.project(map.unproject(nwPoint, zoom)),
  se = crs.project(map.unproject(sePoint, zoom)),
  bbox = [nw.x, se.y, se.x, nw.y].join(',');
// Setup object to send to tile function.
var view = {
  bbox: bbox,
  width: tileSize,
  height: tileSize,
  zoom: zoom,
  tile: {
row: this.options.tms ? this._tileNumBounds.max.y - tilePoint.y : tilePoint.y,
column: tilePoint.x
  subdomain: this._getSubdomain(tilePoint)
return this._tileFunction(view);
  _loadTile: function (tile, tilePoint) {
tile._layer = this;
tile.onload = this._tileOnLoad;
tile.onerror = this._tileOnError;
var tileUrl = this.getTileUrl(tilePoint);
if (typeof tileUrl === 'string') {
  tile.src = tileUrl;
  this.fire('tileloadstart', {
tile: tile,
url: tile.src
} else if (typeof tileUrl.then === 'function') {
  // Assume we are dealing with a promise.
  var self = this;
  tileUrl.then(function (tileUrl) {
tile.src = tileUrl;
self.fire('tileloadstart', {
  tile: tile,
  url: tile.src
L.tileLayer.functional = function (tileFunction, options) {
  return new L.TileLayer.Functional(tileFunction, options);
L.tileLayer('//{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; <a href="//openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
minZoom: 2,
maxZoom: 28,
maxNativeZoom: 19
}).addTo( this._leaflet.map );
// Generic zoom (note that this will cause 404s
L.tileLayer("/images/ACK_{x}_{y}_{z}.png", {
attribution: 'ACKspace',
minZoom: 24,
maxZoom: 28,
maxNativeZoom: 23
}).addTo( this._leaflet.map );
// special zoom
var funcLayer = new L.TileLayer.Functional( function( view )
var bounds = {
16 : { cl: 33855, ch: 33855, rl: 21971, rh: 21971 },
17 : { cl: 67710, ch: 67710, rl: 43942, rh: 43942 },
18 : { cl: 135420, ch: 135420, rl: 87884, rh: 87884 },
19 : { cl: 270840, ch: 270840, rl:  175768, rh:  175768 },
20 : { cl: 541680, ch: 541680, rl:  351536, rh:  351537},
21 : { cl:  1083360, ch:  1083361, rl:  703073, rh:  703074 },
22 : { cl:  2166720, ch:  2166723, rl:  1406146, rh:  1406148 },
23 : { cl:  4333441, ch:  4333446, rl:  2812292, rh:  2812296 },
24 : { cl:  8666890, ch:  8666890, rl:  5624590, rh:  5624590 },
25 : { cl:  17333781, ch:  17333781, rl: 11249181, rh: 11249181 },
26 : { cl:  34667562, ch:  34667562, rl: 22498362, rh: 22498362 },
27 : { cl:  69335125, ch:  69335125, rl: 44996725, rh: 44996725 },
28 : { cl: 138670250, ch: 138670251, rl: 89993450, rh: 89993451 }
if ( bounds[ view.zoom ] )
if ( view.tile.column < bounds[ view.zoom ].cl || view.tile.column > bounds[ view.zoom ].ch )
return "/images/blank.png";
if ( view.tile.row < bounds[ view.zoom ].rl || view.tile.row > bounds[ view.zoom ].rh )
return "/images/blank.png";
var url = "/images/ACK_{x}_{y}_{z}.png"
.replace('{z}', view.zoom)
.replace('{y}', view.tile.row)
.replace('{x}', view.tile.column)
.replace('{s}', view.subdomain);
return url;
attribution: 'ACKspace',
minZoom: 16,
maxZoom: 28
} ).addTo( this._leaflet.map );
this._leaflet.map.on('moveend', function( _event )
//this._drawBeaconPolyLine( _event );
}, this );
this._leaflet.map.on('zoomend', function( _event )
var o = 1, z = _event.target.getZoom();
// Infinite zoom
if ( z > 27 )
// boundingbox contains center and zoom > 27
// then zoom out
// setView/panTo/setZoom/fitBounds/etc.
_event.target.setZoom( 2, true );
//this._drawBeaconPolyLine( _event );
if ( !this._leaflet.temperatures["000005667ABD"] )
// zoom 18->23 opacity 1->0
if ( z > 17 )
o = Math.max( (23-z) / 5, 0 );
this._leaflet.temperatures["000005667ABD"].setStyle( { fillOpacity: o } );
}, this );
if ( this._debug )
this._leaflet.map.on( "click", function( _e )
console.log( _e.latlng );
L.GridLayer.DebugCoords = L.GridLayer.extend({
createTile: function (coords) {
var tile = document.createElement('div');
tile.innerHTML = [coords.x, coords.y, coords.z].join(', ');
tile.style.outline = '1px solid red';
return tile;
L.gridLayer.debugCoords = function(opts) {
return new L.GridLayer.DebugCoords(opts);
this._leaflet.map.addLayer( L.gridLayer.debugCoords() );
// "Follow" control
this._leaflet.follow = null;
L.Control.Command = L.Control.extend(
position: 'topleft',
onAdd: function( _map )
var controlDiv = L.DomUtil.create( "div", "leaflet-bar" );
var controlUI = L.DomUtil.create( "a", "leaflet-clickable" + (this._leaflet.follow ? " toggle" : ""), controlDiv );
controlUI.innerHTML = "&#8982;";
controlUI.style.fontSize = "35px";
controlUI.title = 'Follow beacon';
L.DomEvent.addListener( controlUI, 'click', function( _evt )
this._leaflet.follow = !this._leaflet.follow;
_evt.currentTarget.className = "leaflet-clickable" + (this._leaflet.follow ? " toggle" : "");
// Update the map immediately
if ( this._leaflet.follow )
// Determine the bounding box to 'follow
var bounds = L.latLngBounds( this._leaflet.beacons.map( function( _beacon )
return _beacon.point;
} ) );
if ( !this._leaflet.beacons.length )
bounds.extend( this._leaflet.point );
// Depending on polyline: don't zoom
//this._leaflet.map.fitBounds( bounds );
//if ( this._leaflet.map.getZoom() > 18 )
//this._leaflet.map.setZoom( 18 );
}.bind( this ) );
return controlDiv;
}.bind( this )
} );
this._leaflet.map.addControl( new L.Control.Command() );
// Icons
this._leaflet.icons = {
"HoaB" : L.icon( {
iconUrl: '//maps.google.com/intl/en_us/mapfiles/ms/micons/cycling.png',
iconSize: [32, 32],
iconAnchor: [16, 26],
popupAnchor: [0, -26],
shadowUrl: '//maps.google.com/intl/en_us/mapfiles/ms/micons/cycling.shadow.png',
shadowSize: [59, 32],
shadowAnchor: [16, 26]
} ),
"HoT" : L.icon( {
iconUrl: '//maps.google.com/intl/en_us/mapfiles/ms/micons/bus.png',
iconSize: [32, 32],
iconAnchor: [16, 26],
popupAnchor: [0, -26],
shadowUrl: '//maps.google.com/intl/en_us/mapfiles/ms/micons/bus.shadow.png',
shadowSize: [59, 32],
shadowAnchor: [16, 26]
} )
this._leaflet.descriptions = {
"HoaB" : "Hackers on a Bike",
"HoT" : "Hackers on Tour"
this._leaflet.marker = L.marker( this._leaflet.point ).addTo( this._leaflet.map );
this._leaflet.beacons = [];
if ( this._debug )
this._leaflet.temperatures = {};
this._leaflet.temperatures = {
// outside
"000005671715" : L.polygon([[50.892537811238,5.9711101056338], [50.892517508729,5.9710966945888], [50.892534427487,5.9710564614536], [50.892715457818,5.9712093473674], [50.892696847256,5.9712790848018], [50.892808510518,5.9713836909534], [50.892788208127,5.9714373351337], [50.892774673195,5.9714319707157], [50.892681620427,5.971697509408], [50.892641015525,5.9716653228998], [50.892559805614,5.971893310666], [50.892569956861,5.9719120861291], [50.892559805614,5.9719496370554], [50.892377082796,5.9717940689325], [50.892399077248,5.9717189670801], [50.89233140198,5.9716545940637], [50.892350012689,5.9716009498835], [50.892326326331,5.9715794922114], [50.892414304169,5.9713032246828], [50.892458293026,5.971340775609]], {stroke:0,fillOpacity:0.8} ).addTo( this._leaflet.map ),
// cold zone
"000005667ABD" : L.polygon( [[50.892458293019,5.971340775608], [50.892410920402,5.9713032246818], [50.8924743319376, 5.9711186739150435], [50.89251872057557, 5.97115655487869]], {stroke:0,fillOpacity:0.8} ).addTo( this._leaflet.map ),
// barbecue
"DEADBEEF0" : L.circle( [ 50.89277, 5.97134 ], 1, {stroke:0,fillOpacity:0.8} ).addTo( this._leaflet.map ),
// hot zone
"00000567138A" : L.circle( [ 50.89250, 5.9711867 ], 2, {stroke:0,fillOpacity:0.8} ).addTo( this._leaflet.map )
var linesRed = [[
[50.892514028030334, 5.971161649524675], [50.89251319586179, 5.971160894608546]],[
[50.89251114428003, 5.9711696663976], [50.89251024343285, 5.9711689967662105]],[
[50.8924980950481, 5.971208224073053], [50.892496785531904, 5.971207094194142]],[
[50.892495831897186, 5.971215394539513], [50.89249461680935, 5.971214339470522]],[
[50.892482398287335, 5.971254612622375], [50.89248148152484, 5.971253695897759]],[
[50.89248006555828, 5.971261391486564], [50.8924792609356, 5.971260443329812]],[
[50.89246652683481, 5.971301496043679], [50.8924656730421, 5.971300341188908]],[
[50.892464393586884, 5.971307247454547], [50.89246356324314, 5.971306176293467]]
var linesBlue = [[
[50.892505941019564, 5.971185087508389], [50.89250524711004, 5.971184503287078]],[
[50.892503858003316, 5.971191544085743], [50.892503132264245, 5.9711907897144565]],[
[50.89249048160161, 5.971230519935489], [50.89248932268764, 5.971229581079457]],[
[50.89248770274671, 5.971239335350448], [50.89248661219504, 5.97123836979705]],[
[50.89247468364275, 5.9712776963039005], [50.892473913492424, 5.97127688527138]],[
[50.892472469662096, 5.971284294786302], [50.89247146830519, 5.971283237998365]],[
[50.89245897037926, 5.971323475241662], [50.89245824463948, 5.9713221760466695]],[
[50.89245672874569, 5.971331032450281], [50.89245581256435, 5.971329635940493]]
if ( this._debug )
L.polyline(linesRed, {color: 'red'}).addTo( this._leaflet.map );
L.polyline(linesBlue, {color: 'blue'}).addTo( this._leaflet.map );
}.bind( this ) );
// Load the script
( document.head || document.documentElement ).appendChild( srcNode );
} // beacon
// Update the space state immediately
setTimeout( this._fetchState.bind( this ), 1 );
SpaceAPI.prototype._determineColor = function( _temperature )
var tempteratureColors = [
[ -10,  0,  0,  0], // black
[  0,  0,  0,255], // blue
[  15, 255,255,  0], // yellow
[  35, 255,  0,  0], // red
[  45, 255,255,255], // white
[5000, 255,255,255]  // white, blink
var index;
var ratio;
for ( var nTemp = tempteratureColors.length - 1; nTemp; nTemp-- )
if ( _temperature >= tempteratureColors[ nTemp ][0] )
ratio = 0;
if ( index = nTemp )
ratio = (_temperature - tempteratureColors[ nTemp - 1 ][0]) / ( tempteratureColors[ nTemp ][0] - tempteratureColors[ nTemp - 1 ][0] );
var lo = tempteratureColors[ index ? index - 1 : 0 ];
var hi = tempteratureColors[ index ];
return "rgb("+Math.round( (lo[1] * (1 - ratio) + hi[1] * ratio) ) +","+Math.round( (lo[2] * (1 - ratio) + hi[2] * ratio))+","+Math.round( (lo[3] * (1 - ratio) + hi[3] * ratio))+")";
SpaceAPI.prototype._nlsTime = function( _time )
var postfix;
if ( _time < 2 )
return "moments";
if ( _time > 31556952 )
_time /= 31556952;
postfix = "Year";
else if ( _time > 2629746 )
_time /= 2629746;
postfix = "Month";
else if ( _time > 604800 )
_time /= 604800;
postfix = "Week";
else if ( _time > 86400 )
_time /= 86400;
postfix = "day";
else if ( _time > 3600 )
_time /= 3600;
postfix = "hour";
else if ( _time > 60 )
_time /= 60;
postfix = "minute";
postfix = "second";
_time = Math.round( _time );
return _time + " " + postfix + (_time !== 1 ? "s" : "");
SpaceAPI.prototype._fetchState = function( )
this._node.className = "processing";
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest( );
if ( !!( "onload" in xhr ) )
xhr.onreadystatechange = function( _event )
if ( _event.target.readyState !== 4 )
if ( _event.target.status === 200 )
this._xhr_onload.apply( this, arguments );
this._xhr_onerror.apply( this, arguments );
}.bind( this );
// Modern xhr
xhr.onload = this._xhr_onload.bind( this );
xhr.onerror = this._xhr_onerror.bind( this );
xhr.open( "GET", this._url, true );
// Tells server that this call is made for ajax purposes.
// Most libraries like jQuery/Prototype/Dojo do this
xhr.setRequestHeader( "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest" );
// No data needs to be sent along with the request.
xhr.send( null );
SpaceAPI.prototype._updateState = function( _message, _color, _title )
this._node.className = "";
this._node.textContent = _message;
this._node.style.backgroundColor = _color;
if ( _title )
this._node.title = _title;
this._node.title = "";
SpaceAPI.prototype._xhr_onload = function( _event )
var open = null;
var message = null;
var title = null;
this.data = JSON.parse( _event.target.responseText );
open = this.data.state.open;
message = this.data.state.message;
// Start as epoch timestamp (NOTE: check if timezone doesn't mess things up)
var d = new Date( 0 );
d.setUTCSeconds( this.data.state.lastchange );
title = this._msgSince + d.toLocaleString( );
catch( _e )
message = this._msgParserError;
if ( open )
this._updateState( message || this._msgOpen, this._colorOpen, title );
else if ( open === false )
this._updateState( message || this._msgClosed, this._colorClosed, title );
this._updateState( message || this._msgUnknown, this._colorUnknown, title );
if ( this._leaflet )
// Handle temperatures
if ( this.data.sensors && this.data.sensors.temperature && this.data.sensors.temperature.length )
// Iterate the sensors and match a local sensor name
this.data.sensors.temperature.forEach( function( _apiTemp )
var temp = this._leaflet.temperatures[ _apiTemp.name ];
if ( temp )
temp.setStyle({color: this._determineColor( _apiTemp.value )});
var delta = (Date.now() - new Date( _apiTemp.ext_lastchange * 1000 )) / 1000;
temp.custom = {
description: _apiTemp.description | _apiTemp.name,
location: _apiTemp.location | null,
value: _apiTemp.value,
lastchange: _apiTemp.ext_lastchange
//updatePopup( temp
temp.bindPopup( "Description: " + _apiTemp.description + "<br/>Location: " + _apiTemp.location + "<br/>Value: " + _apiTemp.value + _apiTemp.unit + "<br/>Last update: " + this._nlsTime( delta ) + " ago" );
}, this );
var bounds = null;
var maxZoom = 18;
// Handle beacons
if ( this.data.sensors && this.data.sensors.beacon && this.data.sensors.beacon.length < 25 )
var bHoaB = false;
var beacons = this.data.sensors.beacon.map( function( _apiBeacon )
var beacon = {};
beacon.point  = L.latLng( _apiBeacon.location.lat,_apiBeacon.location.lon );
beacon.marker = L.marker( beacon.point, { icon: this._leaflet.icons[ _apiBeacon.name ] || new L.Icon.Default() } ).addTo( this._leaflet.map );
beacon.circle = L.circle( beacon.point, _apiBeacon.location.accuracy, {stroke:0} ).addTo( this._leaflet.map );
var delta = (Date.now() - new Date( _apiBeacon.ext_lastchange * 1000 )) / 1000;
// Closure variable
if ( ( delta < 3600 ) && ( _apiBeacon.name === "HoaB" || _apiBeacon.name === "HoT" ) )
bHoaB = true;
if ( this._leaflet.icons[ _apiBeacon.name ] )
this._leaflet.icons[ _apiBeacon.name ].options.className = delta > 60 ? "disconnected" : "";
var popup = beacon.marker.getPopup();
if ( !popup )
popup = beacon.marker.bindPopup().getPopup();
popup.setContent( ( this._leaflet.descriptions[ _apiBeacon.name ] || _apiBeacon.name ) + "<br/>Last update: " + this._nlsTime( delta ) + " ago" );
return beacon;
}, this );
// TODO: clean up old beacons!!
this._leaflet.beacons.forEach( function( _beacon )
// Destroy popup
_beacon.marker.unbindPopup( );
// Remove marker and circle
this._leaflet.map.removeLayer( _beacon.marker );
this._leaflet.map.removeLayer( _beacon.circle );
}, this );
for ( var b = 0; b < Math.min( this._leaflet.beacons.length, beacons, length ); b++ )
// Update position, icon, radius, tooltip
this._leaflet.beacons[ b ]
this._leaflet.beacons = beacons;
// Only follow beacons automatically initially if there is a HoaB among it
if ( bHoaB && this._leaflet.follow === null )
this._leaflet.follow = true;
document.querySelector( "div.leaflet-bar > a.leaflet-clickable" ).className = "leaflet-clickable toggle";
else if (this.data.sensors && this.data.sensors.beacon && this.data.sensors.beacon.length)
var apiBeacon = this.data.sensors.beacon[ 0 ];
var beacon = {};
var bHoaB = false;
beacon.point  = L.latLng( apiBeacon.location.lat,apiBeacon.location.lon );
beacon.marker = L.marker( beacon.point, { icon: this._leaflet.icons[ apiBeacon.name ] || new L.Icon.Default() } ).addTo( this._leaflet.map );
beacon.circle = L.circle( beacon.point, apiBeacon.location.accuracy, {stroke:0} ).addTo( this._leaflet.map );
var delta = (Date.now() - new Date( apiBeacon.ext_lastchange * 1000 )) / 1000;
// Closure variable
if ( ( delta < 3600 ) && ( apiBeacon.name === "HoaB" || apiBeacon.name === "HoT" ) )
bHoaB = true;
if ( this._leaflet.icons[ apiBeacon.name ] )
this._leaflet.icons[ apiBeacon.name ].options.className = delta > 60 ? "disconnected" : "";
var popup = beacon.marker.getPopup();
if ( !popup )
popup = beacon.marker.bindPopup().getPopup();
popup.setContent( ( this._leaflet.descriptions[ apiBeacon.name ] || apiBeacon.name ) + "<br/>Last update: " + this._nlsTime( delta ) + " ago" );
// TODO: clean up old beacons!!
this._leaflet.beacons.forEach( function( _beacon )
// Destroy popup
_beacon.marker.unbindPopup( );
// Remove marker and circle
this._leaflet.map.removeLayer( _beacon.marker );
this._leaflet.map.removeLayer( _beacon.circle );
}, this );
this._leaflet.beacons = [ beacon ];
if ( bHoaB && this._leaflet.follow === null )
this._leaflet.follow = true;
document.querySelector( "div.leaflet-bar > a.leaflet-clickable" ).className = "leaflet-clickable toggle";
this._drawBeaconPolyLine( );
maxZoom = 10;
// TODO: Update if coordinate is incorrect
if ( this._leaflet.follow === null )
this._leaflet.follow = false;
        SpaceState.prototype._width          = null;
// Update location
        SpaceState.prototype._height        = null;
this._leaflet.point = L.latLng( this.data.location.lat, this.data.location.lon );
        SpaceState.prototype._url            = null;
this._leaflet.marker.setLatLng( this._leaflet.point );
        SpaceState.prototype._interval      = null;
this._leaflet.map.setZoom( 18 );
        SpaceState.prototype._intervalId    = null;
        SpaceState.prototype._node          = null;
        SpaceState.prototype._msgLoading    = "Loading..";
        SpaceState.prototype._msgError      = "Error";
        SpaceState.prototype._msgParserError = "Failed to parse space state information";
        SpaceState.prototype._msgOpen        = "Open";
        SpaceState.prototype._msgClosed      = "Closed";
        SpaceState.prototype._msgUnknown    = "Unknown";
        SpaceState.prototype._colorOpen      = "#0f0";
        SpaceState.prototype._colorClosed    = "#f00";
        SpaceState.prototype._colorUnknown  = "#f70";
        SpaceState.prototype.start = function( )
            // Use interval timer id as image id
            this._intervalId = 0;
            if ( this._interval > 0 )
                this._intervalId = setInterval( this._fetchSpaceState.bind( this ), this._interval );
            var style = "width:" + this._width + ";height:" + this._height + ";padding:8;text-align:center;-moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px #000;-webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);";
// Set popup data and open it
            document.write( '<div id="spaceAPI' + this.intervalId + '" style="' + style + '">' + this._msgLoading + '</div>' );
var popup = this._leaflet.marker.getPopup();
if ( !popup )
popup = this._leaflet.marker.bindPopup().getPopup();
            this._node = document.getElementById( "spaceAPI" + this.intervalId );
var info = '<img src="' + this.data.logo + '" style="max-width:'+this._width+'px;width:100%"><br/>';
var l = this.data.location, s = this.data.spacefed;
info += l.address+"<br/>";
            // Update the spacestate immediately
if ( l.ext_floor )
            setTimeout( this._fetchSpaceState.bind( this ), 1 );
info += "floor " + l.ext_floor;
if ( l.ext_room )
info += ", room " + l.ext_room;
info += "<br/>☎ " + '<a target="blank" href="tel:+'+this.data.contact.phone+'">+'+this.data.contact.phone+'</a>';
info += "<br/>" + this._tristate( s.spacenet ) + ' <a target="blank" href="Spacenet">spacenet</a>';
info += "<br/>" + this._tristate( s.ext_spacenet5g ) + " spacenet (5GHz)";
info += "<br/>" + this._tristate( s.spacesaml ) + " spacesaml";
info += "<br/>" + this._tristate( s.ext_spaceconnect ) + " spaceconnect";
info += "<br/>" + this._tristate( s.spacephone ) + ' <a target="blank" href="Spacephone">spacephone</a>';
if ( s.ext_spacephone_extension )
info += ": E" + s.ext_spacephone_extension;
        SpaceState.prototype._fetchSpaceState = function( )
popup.setContent( info );
            this._node.innerText += ".";
            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest( );
            if ( !!( "onload" in xhr ) )
                xhr.onreadystatechange = function( _event )
                    if ( _event.target.readyState !== 4 )
                    if ( _event.target.status === 200 )
                        this._xhr_onload.apply( this, arguments );
                        this._xhr_onerror.apply( this, arguments );
                }.bind( this );
                // Modern xhr
                xhr.onload = this._xhr_onload.bind( this );
                xhr.onerror = this._xhr_onerror.bind( this );
            xhr.open( "GET", this._url, true );
            // Tells server that this call is made for ajax purposes.
if ( this._leaflet.follow )
            // Most libraries like jQuery/Prototype/Dojo do this
            xhr.setRequestHeader( "X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest" );
// Determine the bounding box to 'follow
bounds = L.latLngBounds( this._leaflet.beacons.map( function( _beacon )
return _beacon.point;
} ) );
            // No data needs to be sent along with the request.
// If we don't have Hackers on a Bike, include the home location together with the other beacons
            xhr.send( null );
if ( !bHoaB )
bounds.extend( this._leaflet.point );
        SpaceState.prototype._updateSpaceState = function( _message, _color )
// Disable zoom (in) if already zoomed beyond set max
if ( this._leaflet.map.getZoom() > maxZoom )
            this._node.innerText = _message;
            this._node.style.backgroundColor = _color;
this._leaflet.map.panTo( bounds.getCenter() );
this._leaflet.map.fitBounds( bounds );
if ( this._leaflet.map.getZoom() > maxZoom )
this._leaflet.map.setZoom( maxZoom );
} // leaflet
        SpaceState.prototype._xhr_onload = function( _event )
if ( this._features.split(",").indexOf( "annex" ) >= 0 )
            var spaceState;
var node = this._node;
            var open = null;
            var message = null;
node.removeChild( _n );
                spaceState = JSON.parse( _event.target.responseText );
return (_s.source==="annex" && _s.name!=="annex");
                open = spaceState.state.open;
                message = spaceState.state.message;
var anode = node.appendChild( document.createElement( "div" ) );
            catch( _e )
anode.style.position = "absolute";
anode.style.width = "0.4em";
                message = this._msgParserError;
anode.style.height = "0.4em";
anode.style.top = "calc(2em + 10px)";
anode.style.right = (0.5 * _i) + "em";
anode.style.backgroundColor = (_d.status|0)?"green":"red";
anode.style.zIndex = 500;
anode.className = "state annex";
var t = new Date( 0 );
t.setUTCSeconds( _d.ext_lastchange );
anode.title = _d.name + " (updated " + t.toLocaleString( )+")";
            if ( spaceState.state.open )
SpaceAPI.prototype._tristate = function( _state )
                this._updateSpaceState( spaceState.state.message || this._msgOpen, this._colorOpen );
            else if ( spaceState.state.open === false )
if ( _state )
                this._updateSpaceState( spaceState.state.message || this._msgClosed, this._colorClosed );
return "&#x2705;";
else if ( _state === null )
                this._updateSpaceState( spaceState.state.message || this._msgUnknown, this._colorUnknown );
return "&#x2753;";
return "&#x274C;";
        SpaceState.prototype._xhr_onerror = function( )
SpaceAPI.prototype._xhr_onerror = function( )
            // Something has failed, show the error
// Something has failed, show the error
            this._updateSpaceState( this._msgError, this._colorUnknown );
this._updateState( this._msgError, this._colorUnknown );
var state;
//state = new SpaceAPI( "auto", "auto", "none", "8px-->", "//ackspace.nl/spaceAPI/", 15, "beacon" );
state = new SpaceAPI( "<!--{$width|escape:html|default:auto}-->", "<!--{$height|escape:html|default:auto}-->", "<!--{$float|escape:html|default:none}-->", "<!--{$padding|escape:html|default:8px}-->", "<!--{$url}-->", <!--{$interval|validate:int|default:0}-->, "<!--{$features|escape:'quotes'}-->" );
    var state = new SpaceState( <!--{$width|escape:html|default:auto}-->, <!--{$height|escape:html|default:auto}-->, <!--{$url|validate:url}-->, <!--{$interval|validate:int|default:0}--> );
}( ));

Latest revision as of 17:51, 24 April 2023

This widget allows you to display the Space API data (provided as JSON)

Created by Xopr

Using this widget

To insert this widget, use the following code:


This will give the following result:


  • url is mandatory, the rest is optional (leave out interval to make the data static).
    it also must be written without protocol since colon (:) is not allowed, and may be relative, for example: //ackspace.nl/spaceAPI/ or /spaceAPI/
  • You must provide a unit for the sizes (i.e. px, %, etc.)

Copy to your site

To use this widget on your site, just install MediaWiki Widgets extension and copy full source code of this page to your wiki as Widget:SpaceAPI article.