This will be one of ACKspace's public numbers, either defined as ring group or as IVR, but currently not in use yet.
The number is part of the SpacePhone ENUM project
Enabling space phone on other FreeSWITCH instances
To route calls to its correct destination using the SpacePhone ENUM, one needs to add the following dial plan snippet. This script will try and resolve the number, or send the SIT, followed by the message that the numer is unallocated.
<extension name="SpacePhone ENUM"> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(\+31|0031|0)(9799\d\d)(\d*)$"> <action application="set" data="continue_on_fail=true"/> <action application="enum" data="sip:+31$2"/> <action application="bridge" data="${enum_auto_route}"/> <action application="playback" data="tone_stream://%(330,15,950);%(330,15,1400);%(330,1000,1800);loops=2"/> <action application="playback" data="ivr/ivr-unallocated_number.wav"/> <action application="playback" data="tone_stream://%(330,15,950);%(330,15,1400);%(330,1000,1800);loops=2"/> </condition> </extension>