Coffee machine
Some quick instructions for the coffee machine:
- For the Senseo device
- toss the water out and get new water (you might want to clean the pad holder as well)
- turn the device on
- put a pad in it (1 pad=1 cup)
- wait until ready; press the cup(s) button
- throw away pad and leave the lid open to let it dry
- For instant-coffee
- toss the water out of the kettle and get new water; start it for boiling
- add 3 of 4 tea-spoons of instant-coffee to your (small) cup
- put the boiling water on top of it
- stir, and feel ashamed
- For the real coffee
- toss the water out of the kettle and get new water; start it for boiling
- fetch coffee beans from the freezer and fill the grinder up until the ridge
- grind for 20-30 seconds and throw it in the white filter holder (with a filter number 4 in it)
- repeat steps 2+3, but with half as much beans (filter should be about halfway filled with ground coffee beans for a full pot of coffee)
- while (!pot->isFull) pot->addBoilingHotWater();
- empty the pot after use, flush it and put it upside down (opened) on the right corner of the right cabinet in the slACKspace to let it dry
Now, a very important rule for cleanliness: if you drink coffee, and you are handed over the task to clean, do so.
If supplies are getting low, notify one of the board members.
Location: slACKspace