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Revision as of 23:36, 16 December 2014 by Da Syntax (talk | contribs) (Added a list of ideas that i maybe want to implement)
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Project: ESP-2
State Active
Members Prodigity, Da Syntax
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Description Playing around with cheap wifi modules
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ESP-2 had been flagged as a featured article and will automatically appear on the Main Page.

To make the ESP8266 more accessible to everyone I have created a "programmer" which allows for easy firmware uploading and communication with the module.

Behold, the egg salad run prog run (ESRPR):


More info to follow soon..

loading scripts from a webserver

I (Da Syntax) got tired from typing the scripts line for line into the lua console of the nodeMCU firmware. I wrote a little function to load the scripts from a webserver running on my laptop. This way I can just save the script on my laptop and load it to my ESP8266 calling 2 functions ( netload() and dofile("netloaded.lua") )

function netload()
	conn=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)
	conn:on("receive", function(conn, payload)
		print(payload)"netloaded.lua", "w")
	conn:send("GET /test.lua HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n"        .."Connection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n")

Future plans

  • Send mac adress of the wifi module in get so the webserver can return device specific firmwares
  • Put the script between specific tags so there wont be any problems with headers that are added by the webserver + gives the possibility to add metadata (e.g. version of script or a signature)
  • Create a nice php/mysql webapp to easily manage the scripts per module