Meeting 09-06-2012

From Hackerspace ACKspace
Revision as of 15:45, 17 May 2012 by Xopr (talk | contribs) (moved Meeting 16-06-2012 to Meeting 09-06-2012: Doh, 2/3rd of the board can't go on the 16th)
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You are looking at an event that took place in the past
Event: Meeting 09-06-2012
State: Planned
Start date: 2012/06/16
Start time: 19:00
End date: 2012/06/16
End time: 21:45
Contact: xopr
Kind: Meeting
Location: ACKspace
Fee: Free
Short description: participants meeting


  1. Xopr

Hint: add yourself by typing:

* ~~~

Items on the agenda

  1. Opening en vaststelling agenda
  2. Vaststelling vorige notulen
  3. Ingekomen stukken
  4. Mededelingen
  5. Planning heropeningsfeestje
  6. voorstel van agendapunten dumpen op deze discussiepagina
  7. Rondvraag
  8. Sluiting