Meeting December 2011

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Revision as of 22:11, 5 December 2011 by Vicarious (talk | contribs)
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You are looking at an event that took place in the past
Event: Meeting December 2011
State: Planned
Start date: 2011/12/08
Start time: 19:30
End date: 2011/12/08
End time: 22:00
Contact: Vicarious
Kind: Meeting
Location: ACKspace
Fee: Free
Short description: Participant meeting

Datum is Donderdag 8 december 19:30.

Agenda items:

  1. Bestuur (Vicarious)
  2. Open dag 26 november (Vicarious)
  3. Status van lopende projecten (PsychiC)
  4. Status van opkomende projecten (PsychiC)
  5. Retro Space @ RevSpace, Den Haag (Vicarious)
  6. 28C3 & No nerd left behind (Vicarious)
  7. Eth0:2012 Winter (Vicarious)
  8. WVTTK