OpenBSD Firewall / PF

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Project: OpenBSD Firewall / PF
State Active
Members Antarez, Vicarious, PsychiC
GitHub No GitHub project defined. Add your project here.
Description building a gateway on openbsd
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I have dumped the entire config so others can use this as template for their own PF setup or to shout OMGWTFBBQ u freakin' n00b you should do it like XYZ.

In the latter case either drop me an e-mail (psychic [monkeytailthingie] ackspace [lowerroundthingie] nl , join ACKspace and help out or simply STFU =D


Meer devices maken anders breekt DHCP enzo.... gewoon genoeg aanmaken

`cd /dev; for i in `echo {10..30}`; do ./MAKEDEV bpf$i; done` 

Pad toevoegen om packages te downen

export PKG_PATH=

zet in /.profile


Rulesdump Date 24-December-2011

# PF Rules ACKspace gateway 2

### Macros / Definitions ###

## Interfaces ##

# WAN interface
ext_if = "fxp0"

# LAN interface
int_if = "fxp1"

# VLAN interfaces (ALLDAY / VLAN33 Excluded)
vlan_if = "{ \
vlan10 vlan11 vlan12 vlan13 vlan14 vlan15 vlan16 vlan17 vlan18 vlan19 \
vlan20 vlan21 vlan22 vlan23 vlan24 vlan25 vlan26 vlan27 vlan28 vlan29 \
vlan30 vlan31 vlan32 vlan34 vlan35 vlan36 vlan37 vlan38 vlan39 \
vlan40 vlan41 vlan42 vlan43 vlan44 vlan45 vlan46 vlan47 vlan48 vlan49 \
vlan50 vlan51 vlan52 vlan53 vlan54 vlan55 vlan56 vlan57}"

## IP adresses ##

# WAN adress
gw2_ext = ""

# Local adress ranges
private_networks = "{,,,, }"

### Default Policies ###

# Skip any filtering if it is on interface localhost
set skip on lo

# Provide nice blocked messages
set block-policy return

# Block all unless a allow rule exists
block all

### Cleanup Packets ###

# Reassemble packets
set reassemble yes

# Scrub packets
match in all scrub (max-mss 1472)
match out all scrub (random-id)

# Antispoof
antispoof quick for { $ext_if } inet

# Block bogus packets
block in quick on $ext_if from no-route to any
block in quick on $ext_if from any to
block in quick on $ext_if from any to $private_networks
block in quick on $ext_if from $private_networks to any
block return out quick on $ext_if from any to $private_networks

### NAT ####

# NAT all interfaces to WAN
match out on $ext_if from any to any nat-to $gw2_ext

### SPECIAL rules ###

# Help with Active and Passive FTP
anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
pass in quick on $int_if proto tcp from any to port 21 rdr-to port 8021

### Pass IN rules  ###

# Allow incoming SSH and ICMP on WAN interface
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 22
pass in on $ext_if inet proto icmp from any to $gw2_ext icmp-type echoreq

# Allow incoming ALL on LAN interfaces
pass in on $int_if

# Allow incoming ALL on VLAN Interfaces
pass in on $vlan_if

### Redirect rules ###

## ACKspace CAM 2 /
# TCP port 25380 to port 80 (HTTP)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 25380 rdr-to port 80

### VM RELATED ###

# For usage with the VM's ( / VLAN50) use the first two digits to indicate the intenal IP
# and the last three to indicate the port # Example : port 88 becomes WAN port 33088
# Unless its a specific service, like gameports etc.

## VMware Host 1 /
# Use TEAMVIEWER to ACKspace vSphere Client
# TCP port 01443 (vSphere Client)
# pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 01443 rdr-to port 443
# TCP port 00902 (vSphere VM console)
# pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 00902 rdr-to port 902

## VMware Host 2 /
# Use TEAMVIEWER to ACKspace vSphere Client
# TCP port 01443 (vSphere Client)
# pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 01443 rdr-to port 443
# TCP port 00902 (vSphere VM console)
# pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 00902 rdr-to port 902

## VM Debian Q2 /
# TCP port 110022 to port 22 (SSH)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 11022 rdr-to port 22
# TCP+UDP portrange 27910-27915 (Quake2)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 27910:27915 rdr-to
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto udp from any to $gw2_ext port 27910:27915 rdr-to
# TCP port 11080 (Webserver)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 11080 rdr-to port 80

## VM Debian OpenVPN /
# TCP port 13022 to port 22 (SSH)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 13022 rdr-to port 22
# TCP port 13443 to port 443(VPN TUNNEL TCP)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 13443 rdr-to port 443
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 443 rdr-to
# UDP port 1194 (OpenVPN / VPN TUNNEL UDP)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto udp from any to $gw2_ext port 1194 rdr-to

## VM Debian FTP /
# TCP port 14021 to port 21  (FTP)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 14021 rdr-to port 21
# TCP port 14022 to port 22 (SSH)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 14022 rdr-to port 22
# TCP port 14500-14600 to 14500-14600 (FTP Passive Mode)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 14500:14600 rdr-to

## VM Debian VOIP /
# TCP port 15022 to port 22 (SSH)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 15022 rdr-to port 22

## VM Debian Radius /
# TCP port 16022 to port 22 (SSH)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 16022 rdr-to port 22
# TCP+UDP port 1812-1813 to port 1812-1813 (RADIUS)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from to $gw2_ext port 1812:1813 rdr-to
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto udp from to $gw2_ext port 1812:1813 rdr-to

## VM Mailcleaner /
# TCP port 18022 to port 22 (SSH)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 18022 rdr-to port 22
# TCP port 18443 to port 443(VPN TUNNEL TCP)
  pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 18443 rdr-to port 443

# For Shell accounts ( / VLAN57) use port 22xx to redirect to 10.0.57.xx
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 2231 rdr-to port 22
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 2232 rdr-to port 22
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 2233 rdr-to port 22
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 2234 rdr-to port 22
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 2235 rdr-to port 22
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $gw2_ext port 2236 rdr-to port 22

### Pass OUT rules ###

# Allow outgoing traffic on WAN from any
pass out on $ext_if from any

# Allow outgoing traffic on LAN from LAN
pass out on $int_if from $int_if

# Allow outgoing traffic on VLAN from same VLAN (Block InterVLAN)
pass out on vlan10 from vlan10:network
pass out on vlan11 from vlan11:network
pass out on vlan12 from vlan12:network
pass out on vlan13 from vlan13:network
pass out on vlan14 from vlan14:network
pass out on vlan15 from vlan15:network
pass out on vlan16 from vlan16:network
pass out on vlan17 from vlan17:network
pass out on vlan18 from vlan18:network
pass out on vlan19 from vlan19:network
pass out on vlan20 from vlan20:network
pass out on vlan21 from vlan21:network
pass out on vlan22 from vlan22:network
pass out on vlan23 from vlan23:network
pass out on vlan24 from vlan24:network
pass out on vlan25 from vlan25:network
pass out on vlan26 from vlan26:network
pass out on vlan27 from vlan27:network
pass out on vlan28 from vlan28:network
pass out on vlan29 from vlan29:network
pass out on vlan30 from vlan30:network
pass out on vlan31 from vlan31:network
pass out on vlan32 from vlan32:network
# pass out on vlan33 from vlan33:network (ALLDAY)
pass out on vlan34 from vlan34:network
pass out on vlan35 from vlan35:network
pass out on vlan36 from vlan36:network
pass out on vlan37 from vlan37:network
pass out on vlan38 from vlan38:network
pass out on vlan39 from vlan39:network
pass out on vlan40 from vlan40:network
pass out on vlan41 from vlan41:network
pass out on vlan42 from vlan42:network
pass out on vlan43 from vlan43:network
pass out on vlan44 from vlan44:network
pass out on vlan45 from vlan45:network
pass out on vlan46 from vlan46:network
pass out on vlan47 from vlan47:network
pass out on vlan48 from vlan48:network
pass out on vlan49 from vlan49:network
pass out on vlan50 from vlan50:network
pass out on vlan51 from vlan51:network
pass out on vlan52 from vlan52:network
pass out on vlan53 from vlan53:network
pass out on vlan54 from vlan54:network
pass out on vlan55 from vlan55:network
pass out on vlan56 from vlan56:network
pass out on vlan57 from vlan57:network

# Allow outgoing traffic from/to VLAN 30, VLANS 50-55, VLAN 57
intervlan_interfaces = "{vlan30 vlan50 vlan51 vlan52 vlan53 vlan54 vlan55 vlan57}"
intervlan_network = "{vlan30:network vlan50:network vlan51:network vlan52:network vlan53:network vlan54:network vlan55:network vlan56:network vlan57:network}"

pass out on $intervlan_interfaces from $intervlan_network