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(added session highlights)
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|Start date=2024/05/26
|Start time=13:00
|End date=2024/05/26
|End time=17:00
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== Data ==
Zodra aanmelding rond is en er een frequentie bepaald is, wordt hieronder een planning van d&d sessies weergegeven:
== Speelfrequentie ==
* vrijdag, 17-01-2020
Iedere twee weken komen spelers bij elkaar in de tussenruimte in Carbon6 om een D&D sessie van +/- 4 uur bij te wonen.
* zondag, 09-02-2020
Op verzoek kan een sessie verschoven of overgeslagen worden. Deze beslissing gebeurt altijd democratisch met alle betrokkenen.
* zondag, 08-03-2020
* zondag, 22-03-2020
* zondag, 05-04-2020
* zondag, 19-04-2020
* zondag, 03-05-2020
* zondag, 24-05-2020
* zondag, 31-05-2020
== Aanmelding ==
== Aanmelding ==
Iedere deelnemer die geïnteresseerd is in deelname aan een d&d groep kan zich hieronder d.m.v. nickname aanmelden. Indien het aantal personen groter dan zes betreft, wordt overwogen om meerdere groepen op te stellen. Laat ook achter je aanmelding weten of je ervaring hebt met d&d en of je wellicht de rol van dungeonmaster op je zou willen nemen.
Iedere deelnemer die geïnteresseerd is in deelname aan een d&d groep kan zich hieronder d.m.v. nickname aanmelden. Indien het aantal personen groter dan zes betreft, wordt overwogen om meerdere groepen op te stellen. Laat ook achter je aanmelding weten of je ervaring hebt met d&d en of je wellicht de rol van dungeon master op je zou willen nemen.
* [[User:Wolkje|Wolkje]] (d&d noob)
* [[User:Wolkje|Wolkje]] (casual d&d player, DM)
* [[User:Elzilla|Elzilla]] (casual d&d player)
* [[User:Elzilla|Elzilla]] (experienced d&d player)
* [[User:Adnub|Adnub]] (d&d noob)
* [[User:Computer1up|Computer1up]] (casual d&d player)
* [[USer:Thunder1410|Thunder1410]] (d&d noob)
* [[USer:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]] (casual d&d player)
* [[User:Computer1up|Computer1up]] (d&d noob)
* [[USer:Procyon|Procyon]] (casual d&d player)
* [[USer:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]] (d&d noob)
* [[User:Prodigity|Prodigity]] (casual d&d player)
== First One-shot: The Missing Daughter ==
= One-shots =
== The Missing Daughter (2020) ==
* Bryn, a wood elf monk with an acolyte lifestyle by [[USer:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]]
* Bryn, a wood elf monk with an acolyte lifestyle by [[User:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]]
* Chellioto, a human fighter of noble background by [[User:Prodigity|Prodigity]]
* Chellioto, a human fighter of noble background by [[User:Prodigity|Prodigity]]
* Lavinia, a lightfoot halfling rogue with a criminal reputation by [[User:Elzilla|Elzilla]]
* Lavinia, a lightfoot halfling rogue with a criminal reputation by [[User:Elzilla|Elzilla]]
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'''17-01-2020 Session Highlights: The Missing Daughter'''
== Festival of Spirits (nov-2023) ==
* The party follows tracks through the Neverwinter Wood to a sacred tomb
* The party fights their way inside and to the chamber where Goblins and their Bugbear chief are performing a ritual, using the girl's blood
* [[User:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]]
* The party kills the evil creatures and saves the girl
* [[User:Elzilla|Elzilla]]
* [[User:Wolkje|Wolkje]]
* +1 Guest
Old man Hiroshi knows his end is near and wishes to his deceased wife one more time before he departs. He assigns a party to guide him to the Festival of Spirits where they meet with more than the vengeful spirit of Hiroshi's wife. Can they manage to keep Aika from taking her husband's life?
== The Night before Wintermas (dec-2023) ==
* [[User:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]]
* [[User:Elzilla|Elzilla]]
* [[USer:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]]
* [[USer:Procyon|Procyon]]
* [[User:Wolkje|Wolkje]]
== First Campaign: The Lost Mines of Phandelver ==
HappyJoy Toy and Tobacco Company seeks new skilled employees for a lucrative mission: breach Santa's workshop, acquire his secrets, disrupt toy-making, and, if feasible, neutralize Santa. Rich rewards and exclusive benefits await those ready to shape the future of the industry in this evil aligned one-shot!
== Candy candy candy! (may-2024) ==
* [[User:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]]
* [[User:Elzilla|Elzilla]]
* [[USer:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]]
* [[USer:Procyon|Procyon]]
* [[User:Wolkje|Wolkje]]
* +2 guests
In an orphanage several 2 year-old tiefling todlers are told to stay home while the older children go into town to buy candy. Which is, let's be honest, totally not fair. Can they manage to find some coins and sneak out of the orphanage without getting caught? And once escaped, can they locate the candy store?
= Campaigns =
== The Lost Mines of Phandelver (2020-2022) ==
* Ciara Stormwind, a half elf druid with a hermit lifestyle by [[User:Elzilla|Elzilla]]  
* Ciara Stormwind, a half elf druid with a hermit lifestyle by [[User:Elzilla|Elzilla]]  
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'''09-02-2020 Session Highlights: Goblin Ambush'''
* The party finds two dead horses on their way to Phandalin: they belonged to Gundren and Sildar
* The party discovers it was a Goblin ambush and kills all the green creatures lurking about
* The party notices a trail in the dirt where bodies where dragged into the thickets
* The party hides their cart and oxes to pursue the tracks left by the Goblins
'''08-03-2020 Session Highlights: Gragmaw Hideout'''
== Tyranny of Dragons (2022-on hold) ==
* The party finds wolves, chained and starved, in the Gragmaw Hideout cave and come to an agreement: freedom in exchange for their assistance in killing the Goblins in this cave. The three wolves agree to help.
* The party finds Sildar Hallwinter, bruised and beaten nearly to death, held hostage by second-in-command Goblin Yeemik
* Erpos, a gnome bard who goes by many names by [[User:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]]
* Yeemik strikes a deal with the party: kill Klarg, the bugbear leader of the hideout, and Sildar shall live while Yeemik becomes the leader
* Urda, a kobold paladin with an intense dislike for dragons by [[User:Elzilla|Elzilla]]
* Klarg manages to escape the battle with the party after his pet wolf Ripper dies
* Zook, a gnome warlock forced into a demonic pact [[User:Thunder1410|Thunder1410]]
* The party turns on Yeemik and his Goblins, killing them and saving Sildar Hallwinter
* Vania, formerly known as Phann Edermath, a high elf rogue and Harper Agent by [[User:Computer1up|Computer1up]]
* In Klarg's den the party finds stolen goods bearing the Lionshield Coster emblem: they carry the goods to their cart to bring them to Phandalin
* Gwendolynn, a bronze dragonborn with an innate affiliation to thunder by [[User:Adnub|Adnub]]
* Fenrir (NPC by [[User:Wolkje|Wolkje]]), the only wolf left standing after many battles in the Gragmaw Hideout agrees to follow the party in search of Klarg
* Dungeon Master by [[User:Wolkje|Wolkje]]
'''22-03-2020 Session Highlights: The magic key (side mission/one-shot)'''
* Party stumbles upon a hill giant with a magic key
* Elendir, Erdan en Kylius use the key to enter a magic door leading to a puzzling room
* The trio meets Esteria, a fairy dragon banished to guard the treasure
* After solving many puzzles and deating four elemental creatures, the trio receives 1 potion of healing, 1 rope of climbing, 1 scroll of suggestion and 50 gold pieces. They also take the treasure chest with four marbles to sell in Phandalin
'''22-03-2020 Session Highlights: Arriving at Phandalin'''
* Party returns stolen goods to Linene Graywind of Lionshield Coster
In an audacious bid for power, the Cult of the Dragon leads the charge in an unholy campaign to bring Tiamat, the Dragon Queen, back to Faerûn. Alongside their dragon allies and the Red Wizards of Thay, they sweep from town to town, laying waste to all those who oppose them and gathering a hoard of riches for their dread queen.
* Party learns that Linene's nephew, Sem, has been missing along with the goods they returned
The threat of annihilation has become so dire that groups such as the Harpers and Zhentarim are banding together to fight the cult. The heroes must join their efforts and succeed, or Faerûn will succumb to draconic tyranny.
* Party finds tracks of Klarg leading through the shrubbery and to the Townmaster's Hall. They use Fenrir to pick up a unknown scent coming from the woods east of the village.
* Party successfully brings Gundren's goods to Barthen's Provisions
* Phann finds the home of her uncle and breaks in to find a free place to sleep
* Elendir visits Alderleaf Farm where he meets Qelinne Alderleaf and her little son Carp. He is offered free meals and a place to stay as they are not able to pay off their family debt to him
* Ciara uses a spell to water the Alderleaf grounds and is offered a free meal in return
* The party agrees to gather over a meal at Stonehill Inn with Sildar, Barthen and Linene the following morning and rent three rooms for the night
'''05-04-2020 Session Highlights: Redbrand Ruffians'''
* Party has breakfast with Sildar, Barthen and Linene where they find out Sildar's colleague Iarno Albrek is missing
* Party and Sildar visit the Townmaster's Hall where they meet the mayor of Phandalin: Harbin Wester
* Party enters the forest south-east of the village and find a fleeing Carp, the young son of Alderleaf Farm
* Party encounters three Red Ruffians who are chasing Carp and defeat them but not without losing the life of their wolf companion, Fenrir
* Party burries Fenrir's body on Alderleaf Farm property and say their goodbyes
* Carp tells them his little friend, Billy, the Stonehill Inn keeper's son, was with him when the bandits found him, now he is missing
* Party enters the forest and finds a cave which they enter to find the missing boy
'''19-04-2020 Session Highlights: Redbrand Hideout'''
* Party enters the Redbrand Hideout and finds out it's located underneath the ruins of Tresendar Manor
* Party finds Sem Graywind and Billy Stonehill held captive in cells and free them. They leave the hideout safely
* Party investigates the hideout, kills bandits and skeletons (risen from the Tresendar family thomb)
* Party eventually locates a secret passage door leading to Glasstaff's personal chamber
* Party encounters Bugbear Klarg and human wizard Glasstaff, killing the bugbear and knocking Glasstaff unconscious for further investigation
'''03-05-2020 Session Highlights: Glasstaff interrogation'''
== Tomb of Annihilation (2024-ongoing) ==
* Elendir collects the pieces of Glasstaff's staff that he smashed into pieces during the previous fight
* Kylius spends time learning to copy two handwritings: the handwriting of Glasstaff and one that is still unknown to the party, but whose letters are always signed with the symbol of a black spider
* TBA by [[User:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]]
* Phann finds an old, worn journal by Ulmon and has Ciara translate the information regarding Wave Echo Cave and the Forge of Spells
* TBA by [[User:Elzilla|Elzilla]]
* Ciara finds a book that resembles a handwritten bestiary. It mentions the language 'undercommon', which is needed to speak with the Nothic hiding in the cave
* TBA by [[USer:stuiterveer|Stuiterveer]]
* Party speculates that Glasstaff's true identity might be Iarno Albrek, the colleague Sildar Hallwinter is searching for, and the one mentioned in the letters found in Glasstaff's chamber
* TBA by [[USer:Procyon|Procyon]]
* Party meets a goblin named Droop who tells them bugbear Klarg requested his and two bugbear's reinforcement from Gragmaw Castle to aid the Redbrands
* Dungeon Master by [[User:Wolkje|Wolkje]]
* Droop agrees to follow the party to a location where he will receive food, shelter and will be safe in return for labour
'''24-05-2020 Session Highlights: level up (lvl 3)!'''
* Party questions Glasstaff's true identity, learning he is Iarno Albrek
* Party leads Droop to Alderleaf Farm where Queline Alderleaf agrees to a trial run of the Goblin working on the farm
* Queline Alderleaf mentions a druid by the name of Reidoth, who can translate the bestiary the party found and may know the location of Gragmaw Castle
* Party meets Daran Edermath, Phann's uncle, who is not on good terms with her, because he stole the Edermath Orchard from Phann's father and thinks she has returned to retake it
* Sildar Hallwinter mentions the Lord's Alliance, the organisation that recruited Iarnco Albrek and himself
* Party investigates the Sleeping Giant while Kylius takes Sildar from Stonehill Inn on a solo mission
'''31-05-2020 Session Highlights: No more Ruffians'''
* Party, minus Kylius, kills the remaining Redbrand Ruffians in Phandalin, staying at the Sleeping Giant
* Kylius takes Sildar to a remote spot in Phandalin and questions his allignment. It becomes clear Sildar had no idea Iarno was a villain
* Kylius and Ciara spy on Phann's uncle, Daran, to gauge his intentions while the rest of the party takes Sildar to Iarno. Daran seems arrogant, but has no ill intentions
* Party meets with prominent townspeople to discuss the Redbrand hideout and the mayor of Phandalin. Not many are happy with the man, but cannot deny he has made the town prosper again
* Party takes two captured Redbrands and take them to the cells underneath the Townmaster's Hall. They make a deal with the town that everyone keeps an eye on the building and alarms them in case of suspicious activity
* Party and Sildar agree that Iarno will be taken to the Lord's Alliance in Neverwinter to stand trial. The party makes arrangements to leave Phandalin

Revision as of 19:49, 21 May 2024

You are looking at an event that took place in the past
Event: D&D Adventures
Featured: No
State: Planned
Start date: 2024/05/26
Start time: 13:00
End date: 2024/05/26
End time: 17:00
Contact: Wolkje
Kind: Meeting
Location: Location::ACKspace
Fee: Free
Short description: Event page for D&D activities within ACKspace membership



Er is naar voren gekomen dat er animo is voor het starten van een Dungeons & Dragons rollenspel groep. Hierbij de aangewezen wiki pagina waar informatie betreffende dit evenement gevonden kan worden, en waar deelnemers zich kunnen aanmelden voor deelname. Klik hier voor algemene informatie over het spel. Op termijn wordt de informatie hiernaast aangevuld.


Iedere twee weken komen spelers bij elkaar in de tussenruimte in Carbon6 om een D&D sessie van +/- 4 uur bij te wonen. Op verzoek kan een sessie verschoven of overgeslagen worden. Deze beslissing gebeurt altijd democratisch met alle betrokkenen.


Iedere deelnemer die geïnteresseerd is in deelname aan een d&d groep kan zich hieronder d.m.v. nickname aanmelden. Indien het aantal personen groter dan zes betreft, wordt overwogen om meerdere groepen op te stellen. Laat ook achter je aanmelding weten of je ervaring hebt met d&d en of je wellicht de rol van dungeon master op je zou willen nemen.


The Missing Daughter (2020)


  • Bryn, a wood elf monk with an acolyte lifestyle by Stuiterveer
  • Chellioto, a human fighter of noble background by Prodigity
  • Lavinia, a lightfoot halfling rogue with a criminal reputation by Elzilla
  • Ralf, a human fighter and famous folk hero by Thunder1410
  • Salumon, a high elf wizard with an acolyte background by Computer1up
  • Thorin, a hill dwarf cleric and seasoned soldier by Adnub
  • Dungeon Master by Wolkje

Setting: In the city of Neverwinter a group of travelers gather to lend aid to a Nobleman whose daughter has gone missing. Gold awaits those who bring back the girl by following tracks that lead to the Neverwinter Wood. In search of coins, eager to get into battle or motivated to help those in need, the group starts their journey.

Festival of Spirits (nov-2023)


Setting: Old man Hiroshi knows his end is near and wishes to his deceased wife one more time before he departs. He assigns a party to guide him to the Festival of Spirits where they meet with more than the vengeful spirit of Hiroshi's wife. Can they manage to keep Aika from taking her husband's life?

The Night before Wintermas (dec-2023)


Setting: HappyJoy Toy and Tobacco Company seeks new skilled employees for a lucrative mission: breach Santa's workshop, acquire his secrets, disrupt toy-making, and, if feasible, neutralize Santa. Rich rewards and exclusive benefits await those ready to shape the future of the industry in this evil aligned one-shot!

Candy candy candy! (may-2024)


Setting: In an orphanage several 2 year-old tiefling todlers are told to stay home while the older children go into town to buy candy. Which is, let's be honest, totally not fair. Can they manage to find some coins and sneak out of the orphanage without getting caught? And once escaped, can they locate the candy store?


The Lost Mines of Phandelver (2020-2022)


  • Ciara Stormwind, a half elf druid with a hermit lifestyle by Elzilla
  • Elendir Silverleaf, a high elf fighter and researcher Adnub
  • Erdan, a wood elf ranger and bounty hunter by Thunder1410
  • Kylius Blackbard, a thiefling rogue with charlatan ways by Stuiterveer
  • Phann Edermath, a high elf rogue specializing in espionage by Computer1up
  • Dungeon Master by Wolkje

Setting: A trio of dwarven brothers have need of brave adventurers to aid them in search of the lost mines of Phandelver where magic resources and wealth awaits them. The party sets out on a transportation mission of mining equipment and rations from Neverwinter to Phandalin, where they will rendezvous with Gundren Rockseeker, one of the brothers, and Sildar Hallwinter, a human knight.

Tyranny of Dragons (2022-on hold)


  • Erpos, a gnome bard who goes by many names by Stuiterveer
  • Urda, a kobold paladin with an intense dislike for dragons by Elzilla
  • Zook, a gnome warlock forced into a demonic pact Thunder1410
  • Vania, formerly known as Phann Edermath, a high elf rogue and Harper Agent by Computer1up
  • Gwendolynn, a bronze dragonborn with an innate affiliation to thunder by Adnub
  • Dungeon Master by Wolkje

Setting: In an audacious bid for power, the Cult of the Dragon leads the charge in an unholy campaign to bring Tiamat, the Dragon Queen, back to Faerûn. Alongside their dragon allies and the Red Wizards of Thay, they sweep from town to town, laying waste to all those who oppose them and gathering a hoard of riches for their dread queen. The threat of annihilation has become so dire that groups such as the Harpers and Zhentarim are banding together to fight the cult. The heroes must join their efforts and succeed, or Faerûn will succumb to draconic tyranny.

Tomb of Annihilation (2024-ongoing)


Setting: TBA