
From Hackerspace ACKspace
Revision as of 13:41, 25 October 2016 by Xopr (talk | contribs) (made location a link)
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You are looking at an event that took place in the past
Event: Unflagging
State: Stalled
Start date: 2013/06/08
Start time: 20:00
End date: 2013/06/08
End time: 20:10
Contact: Eagle00789
Kind: Meeting, Party
Location: Location::ACKspace
URL: https://ackspace.nl/wiki/Flag
Fee: free
Short description: Unveiling of the flag

The official ACKspace flag will be unveiled and raised into it's own flagpole.


  1. Prodigity
  2. Da_Syntax
  3. Vicarious
  4. Xopr

Hint: add yourself by typing:

* ~~~