
From Hackerspace ACKspace
Revision as of 11:23, 21 January 2022 by Xopr (talk | contribs) (added remote/external motivation)
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xopr 09:57, 21 January 2022 (CET) Zoals ook op Telegram voorgesteld:

  • revoke "key people" (former 1333)
  • move echo test
  • move late (delayed) echo test
  • move local server identification
  • move remote server identification

De volgende nummers hebben hier invloed op:

1333 key people   -> External Echo test 
1334 echo test    -> External Identification
1335 delayed echo -> External Late echo test
1357 local ident  -> "cool down"
1377 remote ident -> "cool down"
1354 (unused)     -> Local Ident
1374 (unused)     -> Remote Ident

Hierdoor zijn de network service groepen 133x 135x & 137x gereserveerd voor External, Local & Remote respectievelijk waarbij ik 137x binnen de space laat forwarden naar 135x op de VPS (daar is het hele voorstel op gebaseerd; server identification en echo testen op meerdere servers om te weten met welke server men verbonden is en of de audio streams correct werken op alle telefooncentrales die erme gemoeid zijn).

De nieuwe lijst wordt dan dit:

dialplan destination
(\+|00)([1-9]\d+) international
0[1-9]\d+ long distance
100 ring all onsite (ACKspace) extensions
10[1-9] onsite (ACKspace) extensions
112 European harmonized (emergency)1
116\d{3} European harmonized (social interest)1
1200 ACKspace portal (external IVR)
1201 alternate IVR (events)
1233 mailbox1
1244 prepaid calling credits2
130[1-9] listen-in event conference rooms 1-9
1331 External conference room
1332, 13ec External Conference room
1333, 13ee External Echo test
1334, 13ei External server Identification and ANAC
1335, 13el External Late echo test
1336, 13em External "Motivationals": 1 motivational per call
1337, 13er, bergeijk External Radio Bergeijk
1351 Local conference room
1352, 13lc Local Conference room
1353, 13le, echo Local Echo test
1354, 13li Local server Identification and ANAC
1355, 13ll Local Late echo test
1356, 13lm Local "Motivationals"3
1357, 13lr (Local Radio)3
1371 Remote conference room
1372, 13rc Remote Conference room
1373, 13re Remote Echo test
1374, 13ri Remote server Identification and ANAC
1375, 13rl Remote Late echo test
1376, 13rp, 13po, poetry Remote Motivational, '76 poetry; 1 poem per call
1377 (Remote Radio)3
139[1-9] party-line event conference rooms 1-9
140\d\d+ government services1
150 ring all offsite extensions
15[1-9] offsite extensions
16\d\d carrier select1
170\d+ reserved for future (expanding) purposes
17[1-9] participants extensions
18\d\d subscriber information service
19\d participants extensions
[2-8]\d{6} local numbers (Heerlen, 045)
9\d\d SpacePhone (interhackerspace enum extensions)
1) currently not in use
2) not available due to IP restrictions
3) reserved/cool down; might become available

Note that numbers for remote and external network services behave differently:

  • Local services are called on the server itself (where the user is calling to)
  • Remote services are either upstream (parent) if it is a private server (typically behind NAT),
    or a fallback (sibling) server in case of a public server
  • External might be of several things:
    • alternative upstream (fallback server)
    • alternative sibling (fallback or 2nd fallback server)
    • 3rd party service

One can make the assumption that remote services within the space are forwarded to it's local service upstream (public VPS) with a few minor exceptions: Motivationals and Radio can be serviced anywhere; see it as Bergeijk being external and Poetry comes via (emulated) Citizens band radio and thus is remote