Micro sleeve

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Project: Micro sleeve
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State Completed
Members Xopr
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Description ART-net controlled cylindrical-ish μdisplay, it's so cute!


Inspired by the famous LED sleeve, I bought a lantern and found a tiny ledstrip on ALiExpress.


The list you need to build one:

  • Lantern: found a solar candle lantern at Action for roughly €5,-
  • 1M 160LED/M × 2.7mm WS2812B (2020SMD) strip (12V)
  • >56mm 5/8" 16mm electrical pipe (6-7cm)
  • heat shrink ~56mm × 22mm 8-9cm
  • ESP-12 or an ESP8266 that exposes GPIO2
  • step-down/buck converter to 3.3v
  • USB-C PD trigger to 12V
  • 2 × 10k resistors
  • two pieces of ~10cm × 10cm scrap plywood for the pipe base
  • hot glue
  • 16mm drill
  • some thin wire to connect all boards
  • soldering equipment
  • mounting hardware (or just hot glue)
  • optional: 4 × 10cm × 20cm plexiglass, since the lantern came with super thin real glass, that broke once it fell


  • flash the ESP with WLED firmware; this has all you need!
  • dismantle the candle, charger and solar panel in the used lantern; it will leave a big hole at the bottom
  • remove some ridges to make it flat for the plywood
  • optional: replace the glass with plexiglass
  • drill a hole in the center of the top plywood so it fits the electrical pipe
  • wrap the LEDstrip clockwise starting from the end of the strip at the top; you will notice it will need 8,5 LEDs to make a single spiral circle and therefore second layer almost alternates with the first one
  • cover it with heat shrink, ~1cm past the soldered wires at the bottom, leaving ~1cm above the pipe
  • while heat shrinking, push in the top heat shrink so 'falling' water can't creep in from the top
  • feed the separate connector through one of the holes out of the bottom;
  • solder both the connector wire and extra wires for the buck converter to the PD-trigger board
  • solder wires from the buck converter to the ESP (make sure the necessary ESP pull resistors are also present);
  • include the data pin: GPIO2
  • place both plywood boards (1 inside, one from the bottom)
  • place and plug in the micro sleeve
  • hot glue everything to the base and make a notch for the cable to come out


This will become a 19mm × 52.5mm sleeve with 8 × 20 LEDs so it will not be fully compatible with the LED sleeve Art-Net codebase (7 × 21).

Also, don't forget to pull up PD_EN and pull down GPIO15

also see